The creation of a common European model for facilitating and supporting the participation of low skilled adults in formal education/training opportunities is the final outcome of the MASTER project.
This model is based on the following outputs:
- the MASTER outreach strategy, a set of approaches, methodologies and tools to reach low-skilled adults, considering the heterogeneity of the target group, the specificities of defined sub-groups and also potential individual characteristics which can influence the outreach strategy.
- The MASTER Self-assessment Tookit, a methodological support for Adult Education professionals, providing them with a set of practices and tools to carry out the self-identification and self-assessment of low skilled individualsā learning outcomes acquired through non-formal and informal learning. The output is focused specifically on the newly defined “Personal, social and learning competence” considered fundamental to equip individuals, with the right skills to better cope with a world of fast changing jobs, education, training pathways and in general to manage their lives effectively.
- The MASTER_Plan, a bridge programme of tailored learning activities to prepare low-skilled adults for formal educational paths (vocational or higher) and for the labour market, by developing and/or reinforcing their PSL competence.
- TheĀ Impact Assessment Methodology whose implementation was aimed at providing an extensive and qualitative account of the initiative performed in the diverse contexts and their impact on the given target groups.
- The MASTER Guidelines, which analysed the project results by describing an actual model for the implementation of bridge programmes targeting low-skilled adults, which represent one of the most effective tool for an equal and result-oriented delivery of the Upskilling Pathway in Member States.